

Yes, November passed me by without a blog entry and now it is December.  I am thankful that I was able to skip November, but now it’s December, and my grand idea of New Week’s resolutions (instead of resolving for a whole year, I just resolved for a week) has fallen apart.

I have gifts to wrap, and groceries to buy, and I need to get to the Post Office soon!  So, I’m going to cut myself some slack, and instead just mention food issues at this time of the year.

Why now?  Tis the season.  We are hosting and being hosted, and a big part of celebrating involves eating.

I ran into a couple that we had been wanting to host for quite some time.  The first thing out of my mouth, was, “We need to have you over. You aren’t still vegan, are you?”

I really need to work on thinking before I speak.  They are still vegan, so I started clarifying what they can and can’t (or won’t) eat.  I knew that meat, chicken and fish were on the list, so I went with my next favorite – cheese.  No cheese. What would we have as appetizers?  They continued to list what foods needed to be avoided and my eyes glazed over. The next thing out of my mouth was, “You’ll have to bring your own food.” Needless to say, they haven’t been over for dinner.

I’m not sure what the new year will bring, but as this year comes to a close, I realize that friends are more important than food (though the combination is really great). I will try to appreciate everyone’s eating preferences, and accommodate them. I also appreciate all who have helped me tell my story, and I wish everyone peace and joy!