It was time to ramp it up a bit and tackle tasks I have should have done a long time ago, but I haven’t. While this is a much more challenging resolution than my first two, I have control over the level of challenge by choosing what to attack first. I wanted to begin with something that would provide me with great satisfaction when done to completion. I wanted it to be sizeable enough that I would feel the impact, but not so big that I would easily become defeated.
After much debate I settled on the logical first task – visors. A little background may be useful here. I collect visors – sun visors – the kind you wear on your head. My first few were golf accessories. Being fair skinned, I found it prudent to keep my face shaded from the sun when I golfed. Eventually I realized I should always keep my face shaded from the sun.
I tried various forms of hats – baseball caps, straw hats, colorful floppy brimmed numbers. They all made my head sweat. A lot. So, I settled on visors as my go-to outdoor accessory, and I pretty much don’t go outside in the sun without a visor on.
The sun almost always shines in Hawaii, so I wear a visor every day. While I don’t sweat as much in a visor as I do in a hat, I do sweat a bit in a visor, which means they get …sweaty. Therefore, in my closet, is a collection of sweaty visors. Almost every time I go to grab one, I wrinkle my nose at the discolored strip on the band on the visor.
Scoff if you will, but visor cleaning is tedious work. It requires taking all of the visors off of the top shelf of my closet and transporting them into the kitchen. It entails gathering up supplies such as the spot cleaner from the laundry room, additional soap, and a scrub brush. Then there is wetting, soaping, scrubbing, and rinsing each one – not to mention that every visor then needs to be put outside to dry – and brought in after drying.
Despite the challenge, my resolution was set., I poured myself a cup of coffee. I turned on my best visor cleaning music. I rolled up my sleeves and headed into the bedroom to gather my collection. A mere hour later, 16 visors and two baseball caps (why not?) were clean and dripping dry in the sun on the front porch of my house.
Not only had I accomplished what I had set out to do, the floor from the kitchen sink to the front door was shiny clean, as I had to wipe up the drips of water that fell when I carried my work outside.
I’m not sure why I hadn’t done it sooner, but I hadn’t. I did it now, I’m proud, and I can’t wait to see what my next resolution will be.